台灣的金融服務業在競爭愈白熱化的環境下發展以顧客需求為導向,理財專員扮演著金融機構與顧客間往來互動關鍵性角色,理財專員與顧客間的信任關係與共同生產意願的建立,形成顧客是否能對金融機構產生忠誠度持續往來,成為差異化勝出的關鍵因素。本研究主要目的在探討顧客信任、共同生產、情感價值、享樂價值、經濟價值對顧客忠誠度的影響。以有理財專員服務投資理財經驗的顧客為研究對象;透過網路問卷的填答取得167份有效問卷,並採用 SPSS 套裝軟體進行分析。經過研究結果顯示,信任對共同生產有正向的關係,共同生產對情感價值、享樂價值、經濟價值均有正向關係,同時情感價值、享樂價值、經濟價值亦對顧客忠誠產生正向關係。 Under the increasingly acute competitive environment, the financial service industry in Taiwan has become customer demand-oriented. Financial executives play a key role in the interaction between financial institutions and customers. The trust relationship between the financial executives and customers as well as the establishment of the co-production intention, has become the key factor of differentiation winning on whether the customer can yield loyalty to financial institutions or not. The main purpose of this study is to probe the impact of customer trust, co-production, emotional value, enjoyment value and economic value on customer loyalty. A total of 167 valid questionnaires from customers with the experience of investment and financial management from service of financial executives were obtained through the online questionnaire and analyzed using the SPSS software. The research results show that customer trust has a positive relationship with co-production; co-production has a positive relationship with emotional value, enjoyment value and economic value; emotional value, enjoyment value and economic value also have positive relationships with customer loyalty.