廚房、衛浴五金同屬台灣傳統輕工業,因技術不易傳承,加上東南亞及大陸等國低生產成本的競爭,廚衛五金除了價格上的競爭之外還須考量工藝水平,客戶常常游移於價格及技術之間,造成產業M形化,個案廚衛五金製造商如何在夾縫中求生存,並且提升附加價值,是值得研究的!本研究採用個案探討的方式進行,並歸納的個案公司的成功關鍵因素。本研究歸納個案公司分別於各時期重點發展項目分別如下,第一時期為貿易草創期,此時期重視擴大市場,追求規模經濟,建立口碑以穩定忠實客群,產品多角化以跨足客群。第二時期為技術導向轉折期,此時期在於了解核心製造能力,優先掌握核心製造。第三時期為強化核心能力成長期,此時期在於核心製造能力加強,自製與外包比較利益進行選擇,以技術能力擴張產品開發,並導入精實管理並進行自動化。期望以此個案提供台灣傳統產業、輕工業一個參考方向。 Kitchen & Bath hardware manufacturers belong to Taiwan traditional light industry. The inheritance of skills that has faced difficulties through these years. Alongside this, this industry also encountered the low-cost competition from Southeast Asia and Mainland China. Since customers always sway between price and quality that caused this industry turned to M-shaped. Manufacturers have to focus on craft improvement besides price competition. Therefore, it's worth exploring that how T company to survive and develop in such competitive market and enhance its value-added.This study uses the case study method to investigate the key success factors of T company, and find out its business strategies in different phase of development process.1. Pioneering stage: in this stage, T company focused on expanding the market to reach economies of scale, establishing reputation, and utilizing diversified products to gain a larger customer base. 2. Craft-oriented stage: the first priority in this period was comprehending and mastering core technical capabilities and manufacturing skills.3. Core competence enhancement Stage: This stage lied in strengthening of core manufacturing capabilities, making decisions about self-made or outsourcing through comparative advantages, expanding product development, and introducing lean management and automated production system.This study can be provided to traditional manufacturers in Taiwan light industry as a development reference.