視覺上美觀是植栽設計的重點之一,常見的是內植栽景觀有景觀小品、盆栽組合、植生牆等,都會因為植物的色彩、種類、擺放方式以及維護的程度等因素,直接影響視覺美感。有些室內植栽組合景觀設計雖運用了多種植物組合,但組合不當、色彩過多,有些生長不良或是選種不當,又或是搭配的裝飾與植物顏色不搭等因素,均可能造成植物組合的不美觀。此外,植栽與空間的比例關係、放置植物的盆缽色彩等等,也對組合的整體美質有很大的影響。本研究希望探討是大眾對室內植栽組合之景觀偏好,影響室內植栽景觀視覺美感之因素,以提供室內植栽組合景觀觀賞性之參考。本研究以53張圖進行室內植栽組合景觀偏好評估。進行獨立t檢定發現不同性別間有顯著差異,不同景觀教育程度無顯著差異。由偏好值排序可發現,室內植栽之植物種類數量、飾景精緻度、植物精緻度及整體層次感較可能影響對室內植栽之景觀偏好。植物覆蓋率、盆缽路出及色彩度及組合尺度對室內植栽組合之景觀偏好影響較小。綜合本研究之結果提出室內植栽組合之設計之建議,在未來設置室內植栽組合時,提高植栽種類數量可讓植栽組合觀賞起來更加豐富;在盆缽的擺設上,應注意與整體景觀融為一體;設計飾景配置時,建議可與植栽搭配,使用不同造型道具組成一個完整的、具有主題的造景為佳。 Indoor planting has gradually been noticed in public places.We can often see simple potted plants, and even sometimes view a combination of plastic, however, these landscape works are uneven in quality and there are no relevant literature. Accordingly, this study is aimed at the Indoor Plants Combination, intending to investigate the factors that affect the visual preferences. The method of research is to go over the country, field shooting indoor planting combination(a total of 53 pictures for visual preference test). Independent T test found that there were significant differences among people of diverse genders and there were no remarkable differences in the different degree of landscape education. Sorted by preference values can found that the number of species of interior planting, the exquisite degree of decoration, the delicacy of plants and overall plant layering were more likely to impact the preference of indoor plant landscapes.The plant cover, the exposing of pot and the color of the landscape and the combination of scale indoor planting showed less influence on landscape preference.