目前多點觸控技術已成為人機互動領域中最受關注的互動技術,許多應用領域也因多點觸控技術的導入,帶來嶄新風貌。目前多點觸控介面大多著重以雙手來操控,然而現實生活中,仍存在許多當下無法空出雙手卻需運用多點觸控介面的情境。為此,本論文基於以人為本(Human centric)的設計理念,為上述多點觸控的限制提出解決之道。本論提出以腳趾作為多點觸控操作介面並稱之為Toepad。Toepad的操作是將腳趾分成拇指與其他四指兩部分,透過感應此兩部分的壓力變化,即可多點觸控操控如手機、平板或互動式多媒體機台等設備。最後本論文提出製造業領域、醫療領域兩種不同的Toepad應用情境,以驗証本論文所設計與實作之Toepad的實用性。 Multi-touch technology is one of the most successful interfaces for human-machine interaction. In fact, it has greatly changed the way we using devices. Currently, human fingers are the easiest way to perform multi-touch. However, under some circumstances, people may not have the opportunity to use their fingers. Therefore, in this thesis we propose a new multi-touch interactive design called Toepad. By combining the operations of thumb and the rest of the four toes, Toepad can perform multi-touch interaction. In this thesis a prototype of Toepad is created and its possible applications in dental surgery and smart manufacturing are also discussed.