隨著科技發展,電子設備使用頻率越來越高。包含個人、政府、企業機構在內,大量的資料被放置於電子儲存設備中。然而,在網路發達的現代社會,不論是儲存在雲端電腦,或者個人電腦的資料,若未經保護,極有可能被駭客經由各種方式竊取。因此,本論文提出以軟硬體參數為基礎的資料加密方法,透過儲存設備本身的軟硬體參數建構一組環境金鑰,再透過此環境金鑰對檔案加密。在我們所提出來的方法中,被加密後的檔案只能在原有的儲存設備中解密,可確保重要檔案不慎被竊取時,無法在其他裝置中被解密。經由我們實作的結果,證實此方式能確實提供安全性高的保護機制。 With the development of technology, electronic devices are used frequently in human beings’ daily lives. A large amount of data is stored in various electronic devices, e.g. personal computer, smart phone, cloud device, etc. However, without encryption, these data and files may be hacked by hackers or leaked out by insiders easily. The loss of important data in the cloud may result in huge personal/business-reputation damages, credit loss, and pecuniary loss. In this paper, we propose a data encryption method based on hardware and software parameters. An environmental key is created by utilizing trusted device’s hardware as well as software parameters. The important files are then encrypted by using the environmental key. In the proposed method, the encrypted files can only be decrypted in the same trusted device. Once the encrypted files are illegal copied to another untrusted device, the files cannot be decrypted since the environmental key is different. According to the experimental result, the proposed method is verified and suitable for important data encryption.