隨著時代的變遷,食物的取得越來越便利,當人們擁有的越多,隨之而來的就是浪費的越多,在資源有限的情況下,如何減少浪費,而另一方面,又存在著許多糧食分配不均的問題。本研究欲得知消費端對於供應鏈上的食物浪費了解有多少,並運用方法目的鏈理論,歸納出消費者心中對於食物浪費的價值階層圖。透過深度訪談的方式訪談一般消費者,得出消費者心目中對於食物浪費之最終價值為「浪費」,而這個浪費是由「廚餘」、「食材太多」等屬性所組成,而食物銀行為一個同時連結剩食及所需機構的平台,能運用食物銀行,將本來要丟掉的剩食,進行價值再造,並提供給真正需求的人,以減少分配不均帶來的影響。此外,供應鏈上的食物浪費,亦能透過食品科學的技術,將其價值再創造出來。 This study aimed to apply the theory of Means-End Chain to explore the value for the consumers’ concept about food waste. The supply chain was investigated to obtain the whole picture of the travel path of our food from the produce in the farm to the mouth of the consumers. Though the in-depth interviews were limited to the consumers’ end, the logical relationships analyzed by content analysis and the sematic matrix among the attributes, consequences and the values provide some solid suggestions to the restaurant institute practitioners for better managing the food resources. The extracted Hierarchical value map suggests the most concerned negative value is “Not Cherish”, caused by the consumer behavior of the attributes “Not finished food” and “Bad estimation of food ingredients”. Food bank as a platform collecting all the data for the need and the supply throughout the food supply eco-system might be a solution to reduce the problem. In addition, the corporation of food processing technology can be a good remedy to fix the problem from the origin.