以「城市的天際線」主題作為闡述論文的研究與創作理念,把心中的烏托邦幻想景色藉由虛幻的風格畫入城市景色表現都會山水的意境,加入都會壓迫的矛盾感及城市建築為創作元素,作成為創作動機讓創作讓觀賞者去思考,也是這幾年因工作關係在國外、中國大陸、東南亞、香港、越南、柬埔寨所見的景色變化,並轉移在此次的創作中,再現於繪畫中各種符號圖像的代表意義與隱喻性所做出的畫面呈現。在第一章緒論中於描述研究動機及目的、且探討其研究範圍與方法,將過去所見所學融入創作元素去結合。在第二章裡,從創作內容與形式,去呈現水墨繪畫風格與在現代城市建築下所產生的影響、以實質的意境作為基礎,及現代化建築的高樓對比城市幻象周邊的草原所呈現的衝突感,讓觀賞者去思考高樓發展是人類真正的進步的象徵嗎? 透過第三章去剖析自己的創作理念及歷程,對城市產生的天際線,與山水意涵做為詮釋,並在創作歷程與使用媒材去表現與風格等話題的表達想法,藉由前人的經驗及體認,來闡述自我創作的思考論點與主題的切合性。第四章則是每一張創作中所表現的繪畫形式與創作中的,分析作品的表現風格及省思。而後以第五章結論做為自我檢視與整理這幾年自身的創作與想法。 “The skylines of cities” is the guideline of this thesis. The researcher explores the utopian imagination by adding the contradiction of social reality and urban architecture as the motivation and elements. This thesis aims to illustrate the spirit of urban shan shui and identify the metaphorical expressions and meanings of various signs and icons in the researcher’s art work.Chapter One will comprise what the researcher has learned and explicate the researcher’s motivation, purpose and offers the orientation and methods of this thesis. Chapter Two will reveal the impact of the Chinese painting (shui mo-art) and modern urban architecture under the contrast of modern high buildings and outskirts of cities. Chapter Three will explicate the insights of the researcher’s conception and argumentation and express the process and style of art work. Chapter Four will analyze the style and conception of every art work. Chapter Five will be the conclusion for self-inspection.