趙誠,當代古文字學家,語言學家,曾任中華書局編審,善於利用中國傳統小學結合西方語言學破文字,在古文字釋讀和理論建構上有相當大的貢獻。代表作有《古代文字音韻論文集》、《甲骨文簡明詞典》、《二十世紀甲骨文研究述要》、《二十世紀金文研究述要》、《探索集》等。其中《二十世紀金文研究述要》爲首部針對中國金文學史進行討論的作品,有開啟先河之功。本文就趙氏於金文學術史整理進行研究,傳世文獻和其他近人著作,進行剖析。除此,其文字考釋雖然篇章不算特別多,但具有一定參考性。在文字理論的部分,其中以其二重性文字構形理論對古文字學門影響最大。本文於第六章花了一定篇幅分爲三階段進行討論。關鍵字:趙誠、金文學、《二十世紀金文研究述要》、銘文考釋、文字理論 Zhao Cheng is a modern scholar in ancient Chinese inscription as well as a linguist. He was once holds position as a review editor of Zhong Hua Book Company. In the field of academic, he achieves an outstanding performance in solving problems by combining both traditional Chinese exegesis and western linguistic which show harvest in understanding ancient Chinese inscription and promoting certain theory. His master piece includes “Collection of Ancient Inscription and Phonology”, “the Simple Version of Oracle Bones Inscription Dictionary”, “Research in 20th Century Oracle Bones Inscription”, “Research in 20th Century Bronze Inscription”, “Collection of Exploration”. Out of these works, “Research in 20th Century Bronze Inscription” is a pioneering work in the history of research of bronze inscription. This thesis will discuss his work by comparing other ancient and modern scholars. Moreover, his research in the reading and understanding bronze inscription is not in a huge number, but worth as reference material. In his theory of ancient Chinese inscription, “dualism” is the most important one among all, where in this thesis, it has been discussed thoroughly in chapter 6 as separated in three different stages.Keywords: Zhao Cheng, field of bronze inscription, “Research in 20th Century Bronze Inscriptions”, the reading and understanding of bronze inscription, theory of ancient Chinese inscription.