面臨工業4.0時代及中國大陸價格競爭之來臨,國內水龍頭業者如何建構一套產業轉型的競爭策略已成為一個重要議題。本研究旨在探討水龍頭產業如何走向智能化,以中部地區水龍頭製造商A公司為個案研究對象,根據本文的分析,可得到下列的論點。 (1) 美國房市逐步復甦及房市維修逐年成長,水龍頭市場具有緩慢成長性。(2) 主要目標客戶以歐美國家,如美國、英國、澳大利亞、加拿大。(3) 國際水龍頭市場未來以節能節水及觸控式且美觀為開發的重點,並以鋅材質本體產品為導向設計發展。(4) 自動化生產系統具備降低人力需求及成本,可多樣少量模式生產,降低不良率提升效率,提升國際競爭優勢。 Faced with the arrival of the industry 4.0 era and price competition in mainland China, how to build a set of competitive strategies for industrial transformation has become an important issue for domestic tap manufacturers. The purpose of this study is to explore how the faucet industry is becoming more intelligent. The case of the faucet manufacturer A in the central region is the case study. According to the analysis of this paper, the following arguments can be obtained.(1) The gradual recovery of the US housing market and the maintenance of the housing market have been growing year by year, and the faucet market has grown slowly.(2) The main target customers are European and American countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.(3) The international tap market will focus on energy-saving, water-saving, touch-sensitive and aesthetic development in the future, and will be designed and developed with zinc-based body products as the guide.(4) The automated production system has the need to reduce manpower requirements and costs, and can produce in a variety of small models, reducing the non-performing rate and improving efficiency, and enhancing international competitive advantages.