研究者在國小教授電腦老師近十年,在每週一節課的時間內,指導學生電腦操作及軟體使用。通常在口述完課程內容後,已經沒有多少時間讓學生練習,而在時間不夠用的情形下,也無暇讓學生進行其他有趣的活動。在老師講、學生照著做的教學模式下,學生漸漸覺得上課無趣,不懂為何要練習,也沒有意願將課程內容反覆練習、應用,只在乎何時能上網看影片、打電動、聽音樂。學生對於學校細心安排的電腦相關軟體課程,大多應付了事,沒有學習動機。遊戲可以促進兒童創造性、想像力、自信、認知和技能的培養,而將遊戲融入教學中,可有效提升學習動機與學習成效。本研究的目的在運用遊戲化教學來引導學生學習簡報製作,讓學生在遊戲活動中能主動學習,並透過同儕互助,來提升其學習成效。本研究以行動研究法探討遊戲化教學融入簡報製作之學習成效、實施困境及因應策略。研究者以任教班級的27位四年級學生為研究對象,進行為期10週、四個單元的教學活動。依據TQC LibreOffice 5簡報設計之技能內容分類,研究者重新安排單元教學內容,並於每個單元設計六個題目作為學生闖關的關卡。在教學活動中,搭配積分、排行榜、徽章、命運牌、獎勵與特權等遊戲元素來維繫學生的遊戲動力。本研究結果如下。1. 遊戲化教學融入簡報製作能提升學生學習簡報軟體之學習成效,且以設定投影片之學習成效表現為最佳。2. 遊戲化教學融入簡報製作遭遇的困境包括教學時間不足、積分紀錄工作費時、學生依賴操作流程。最後,根據研究結果,本研究提出有關遊戲化教學與未來研究的相關建議。 The researcher have been teaching computer in an elementary school for nearly a decade. It is very often that after teacher’s lecture, there is not much time left for students to have hands-on experiences. Students gradually lost their interests in the computer class. What students really cared about is when they are allowed to go online to watch videos or play online games.Games are effective strategies to promote children's creativity, imagination, self-confidence, knowledge, and skills . This study aimed to gamify the classroom instructions for creating presentations and to evaluate student learning performance in the gamified instructional activities.An action research was conducted. Twenty-seven 4th grader were participated in the study. A 10-week course for creating presentations using LibreOffice Impress 5 was designed and implemented. Four units were contained in the course. The contents of each unit were rearranged into six “rounds.” In each round, a specific task was assigned which needs to be completed in order to succeed. Game elements including game points, leaderboards, badges, destiny cards, rewards and privileges were used to motivate students’ engagement in the game. The findings of the study suggested the following.1.The gamification of instructions improved students’ performance in creating presentations.2.Difficulties were encountered in the classroom, including insufficient time and extraneous errands for keeping the game working. The researcher extended the course schedule and asked help from top students who were willing to help their peers in completing the tasks, which proved to be a workable solution.Discussions and suggestions were provided for gamifying instructions in the classroom and for future research.