大家都瞭解石化燃料是有限的,且環境成本高。然而,可大量、永續且環境友好的能量卻是最難得,例如:太陽能、風和潮汐等,在技術上是廣泛可用的。但在大規模開發並有效地利用中,但缺點是所費不貲。另一方面,有種少量的“浪費”式的能量,若可捕獲,其實是有用的,且回收這部分能量,將產生重大的經濟和環境影響。這就是“獵能”(Energy Havresting)的概念。本研究目標是發展一新穎的薄膜式獵能型電源供應系統。在研究中發現,根據法拉第定律,在導體上做切割磁感線運動時,會在導體上產生電流的現象稱之為電磁感應現象,而產生的電流稱之為感應電流,所以我們設計了不同的圖案和厚度的指狀電極,並將指狀電極置於時變磁場裡。而後再經量測後發現,根據圖案和厚度的不同,會有明顯不同的輸出,再透過填入介電質和磁場的改變,得到更高的輸出。 Fossil fuels are finite and environmentally costly. Sustainable, environmentally benign energy can be derived or captured from ambient sources. Large-scale ambient energy (eg solar, wind and tide), is widely available and large-scale technologies are being developed to efficiently capture it. At the other end of the scale, there are small amounts of ‘wasted’ energy that could be useful if captured. Recovering even a fraction of this energy would have a significant economic and environmental impact. This is where energy harvesting (EH) comes in. The aim of this study is to develop a novel energy harvesting type of power supply system, and focus on the stray time-varying magnetic field around the environment as the energy source. The principle of this research is based on the Faraday principle, using a converter of ferromagnetism thin film to hunt the energy from stray time-varying magnetic field. The main effort of this paper is focused on to develop an optima magnetic thin film converters.