隨著城市化的快速發展,出現了大量的高樓層建築。對於高樓型建築而言,客用電梯扮演著決定性的影響力。如今,現今客用電梯系統難以應對多樣性需求帶來新挑戰,例如直達目的樓層服務等。本研究利用資訊技術提出了一種名為E-Coming的客梯系統。當用戶在進入客梯車廂之前,透過手機告知系統目的地,讓系統為所有的用戶進行搭乘的規劃,以獲得更好的用戶體驗;此外,E-Coming可以根據用戶權限不同,給予直達目的樓層的服務。舉例來說當用戶攜帶寵物搭乘客梯時,E-Coming可支援該用戶直達目的樓層,以避免打擾其他乘客。E-Coming所訂定的優使性指標,透過驗證與模擬,確實能優於現今客梯系統。 With rapid urbanization, a great amount of tall buildings has appeared. For those tall buildings, passenger elevators play an important role. Nowadays, traditional passenger elevator systems become difficult to meet the new challenges raised by the diversity needs. Furthermore, current elevator systems cannot fulfill personalized requirements, such as floor-to-floor private direct service. In this research, utilizing state of the art information technology, we propose a new elevator system called E-Coming. Under E-Coming, user uses mobile phone to indicate his/her destination before entering the elevator car and follows the personalized instruction to get better experience services. E-Coming first plans and schedules for all users as optimal as possible. E-Coming also controls the elevator for special demand users. For example, a user with his/her dog needs a direct ride to avoid disturb other passengers. The usability study shows that E-Coming is much better than the current available elevator systems.