顧客將不再是單純購物商品,更是想要從產品中所延展或者附加價值中體驗和產生滿足感,旅館環境燈光氛圍受近代年輕一代消費族群所重視。要讓旅館業績整體提升可以透過環境燈光組成的好壞來改變(Maier,Zierke&Hoermann,2017)。文創旅館是重要住宿類型,業者為了獲利與吸引消費者市場,透過環境的規劃以有邏輯與組織的創新的方式來為文化創造經濟價值,燈光顏色是商店環境組成重要因子,透過調整改造環境燈光顏色來為文創旅館產業創造經濟價值。本研究以本國一般民眾做為受測對象,共回收有效問卷320份,實證結果顯示消費心情會是燈光顏色所透過中介影響消費行為意圖之變數,且有一部份消費行為意圖會直接受燈光顏色的影響,本研究推論消費心情是燈光顏色和消費行為意圖之部分中介變數。最後提出建議可做為業者未來行銷策略訂定之參考。 Customers today no longer simply shop for merchandise; they also want to gain the added value of a product with a sense of satisfaction and heightened experience. The hotel experience can be enhanced through ambient lighting. Cultural and Creative Hotels are an emerging type of accommodation, and are attracting the consumer attention. Creative organizations can enhance their economic value by emphasizing the cultural and creative environment, and lighting is an important factor in the composition of the total environment. By adjusting the lighting to transform the environment, the Cultural and Creative Hotel industry can create economic value. This research has four purposes: (1) to investigate the effects of ambient lighting in Cultural and Creative Hotels on consumer emotions; (2) to explore the impact of consumer emotions on consumer behavioral intentions; (3) to examine intermediary variables in relation to consumers’ impressions of lighting and their subsequent behavior; and (4) to account for the impact of demographic differences on consumer emotions and consumer behavior intentions. In this study, the general public was the data source: a total of 320 valid questionnaires were collected. The results show that lighting does affect consumer behavior intention through emotion, and consumer emotion is a partial mediator between ambient lighting and consumer behavioral intention. This study can be used as a reference for the hotel industry, and contribute to scholarly research on hotel environments and consumer satisfaction.