台灣沿海養殖業造就了沿海地景的主要紋理,沿海養殖業分為四大種類- 「漁塭養殖」、「沿岸貝類池養殖」、「潮間帶牡蠣養殖」、「海上箱網養殖」,養殖技術的日漸提升使的養殖業驅於科技化,大多都能以現今人工技術於人造空間中存活,不再需要依靠自然的力量。唯牡蠣養殖無法以人工培養,其養殖場域及空間百年不變,成為體驗漁村生活的藍本;代代相傳的蚵田,臨河而搭的蚵寮,乘著竹筏在凌晨出海採蚵的蚵農,這種與自然相依、以海為田的工作型態,在東石漁港與外傘頂洲之間形成一種人與自然的循環。養殖漁業沒落之後,起而代之的是新興的觀光漁業,如東石漁港新港利用海埔新生地,建設出一個都市尺度的新興土地,替代舊的東石港,成為更大型的觀光暨近海漁業的商港。 The main texture of coastal landscape is accomplished by the Taiwan coast cultivation industry. There are four types in the coastal cultivation industry - "the fishing pond cultivation", "the coast shellfish pond cultivation", "the oyster cultivation of tidal zone ", " the marine box cultivation ".Depending on the promoting technology of the oyster cultivation, it can survive in the artificial space ,not only natural space . But the cultivation of oyster can not be instead by artificial cultivation, so that the breeding farm territory never chang by hundred years. It becomes the sample of experiencing the fishing village life. The passing on oyster farm , the oyster canopy that builded along the river ,and the farmers who always wake up early for picking up oyster traveling by the bamboo raft , it is the typical working type of Dong Shih fishing port and Wei San Ding sand bar. It becomes a special circulation of human and nature.The cultivation fishery is instead by the fishery tourism. And the new scale urban happened in Dong Shih fishing port by using the newborn land .It replaces the old city and becomes a larger commercial harbor concurrent sightseeing and the inshore fishery