本論文的主要目的為以電腦模擬來討論在不同的作用力曲線下,對具有布朗運動的膠體粒子進行多層吸附時,遮蔽效應對其吸附效率的影響。在基本理論的建立上,本論文選擇以楔型管流場模式來描述收集器周圍的流場分佈,並以機率統計來處理布朗運動的現象。關於膠體粒子與收集器表面間的內部作用力,如凡得瓦爾吸引力與電荷排斥力,本論文根據DLVO理論來討論。 模擬的結果發現,當膠體粒子吸附的位置較靠近楔型管的中端區域時,則容易發生多層堵塞吸附的現象,也因此膠體粒子吸附的數量越多。而隨著流速的減小,且考慮膠體粒子的多層吸附情形與遮蔽效應時,不具布朗運動的膠體粒子會比具有布朗運動的膠體粒子,其吸附位置會越靠近楔型管的中端區域,也因此有更好的吸附效率。本論文的最後,我們將電腦模擬值和文獻上已有的實驗結果作一比較。 The deposition morphology of particles onto the wall surfaces of a constricted tube is investigated by applying the Brownian dynamics simulation method in the present paper. The effect of various types of the total interaction energy curves of DLVO theory, and of the shadow area cast by those deposited particles, on the particles' collection efficiencies are examined. Applying with the concept of the control window where the approaching particles originate singularly and randomly, the present simulation method successfully describes the amount of particles collected as well as the morphology of the deposits in a detailed step-by-step manner by tracking the trajectories of individual particles as they move toward the tube wall. The simulation results show that the collection efficiency is always higher when the particle's Brownian motion behavior is not taken into consideration. As the deposition location moves closer to the middle region of the constricted tube, the dendrites formed by those non-Brownian particles contain more particles and get easier to plug the throat of the tube than those Brownain particles. The simulation results also fit well with the available experimental data.