苗栗因擁有陶土、天然氣、製陶技術等條件,於民國78年,成就了輝煌的裝飾陶瓷產業,揚聲器產業也在此時達到外銷產值的巔峰。兩者都是典型的勞力密集代工外銷產業,其特徵是缺乏設計、品牌、行銷能力。當經濟發展到一定程度後,工資普遍高於大陸及東南亞國家,產業的優勢降低,面對此種困境,產業不得不外移,面臨此競爭壓力,唯有致力於研發創新與產業的轉型。 本研究以苗栗陶土進行物理、化學分析後,依其陶業性質製作陶瓷音箱並與同條件之木質、石質音箱共同測試分析其音質。 測試結果如下: 1.陶瓷音箱之頻率響應為280Hz∼16KHz,屬中高音質範圍。 2.陶瓷箱體內部上釉與箱體厚度越厚有延伸低頻響應的作用。 3.陶瓷箱體內部上釉或箱體內外均上釉及箱體厚度越厚時,阻抗值較高。 4.陶瓷音箱阻抗值,介於木與石質音箱之間。 5.陶瓷音箱完全不上釉與箱體內外均上釉時,諧波失真值較小。 6.陶瓷音箱之總諧波失真小於木與石質箱體,以石質音箱體總諧波失真最高。 以此研究成果可促成異業的合作,對產品開發與附加價值提昇將有直接的助益。 Having clay, natural gases and ceramic production techniques, Miaoli created outstanding decoration ceramic industry in 1989. Meanwhile, the exporting production value of the speaker industry in Taiwan also reached the top. Both ceramic industry and speaker industry are typical OEM exporting industry and labor-intensive but lack of design, brand, and marketing. After Taiwan’s economic development reached a certain level, the basic labor salaries in Taiwan are higher than those of Mainland China and other countries in Southeast Asia that decreases the competition ability of Taiwan manufacturing industry. Facing this difficulty, most of the manufacturing companies in Taiwan are forced to move abroad in order to control their production cost. Under this kind of competition pressure, the manufacturing companies are devoted to research development and the shift of the industry. After a physical and chemical analysis of the Miaoli clay, the clay is used to produce speaker enclosures and test their sound timbre. The sound timbre of the clay enclosures are carefully compared with that of wood enclosures and stone enclosures individually. The test results are shown as follows: 1.The frequency response of clay enclosures is 280 Hz to 16KHz belonging to the range of medium and high sound timbre. 2.When the interior of a clay enclosure is glazed, the enclosure has the function of extending the low frequency response. 3.When the interior of a clay enclosure is glazed or both the interior and the exterior of it are glazed, the enclosure itself has better impedance. 4.The impedance value of the ceramic enclosure is between that of the wooden enclosure and the stone enclosure. 5.The harmonic distortion will be less when the speaker enclosure without glaze or interior and exterior of speaker enclosure are glazed. 6.The harmonic distortion of ceramic speaker enclosure is less than the wood and stone speaker enclosure, but the stone speaker enclosure is the worst . The research results above can have a useful and direct effect in promoting different industries’ cooperation and increasing product value-added.