落實提昇手術室的醫療服務品質,推行手術訪視作業為手術室所推展的諸事項中重要項目之一。新制醫療院所評鑑的要求,亦將手術前、中、後護理照護常規與處置步驟,及手術室護理人員術前訪談病患。列入評鑑重點及醫療給付依據。強調護理人員必須針對病患手術前、中、後三個階段,依其個別健康問題與需要,運用護理知識提供完整及持續性的護理照顧。本研究以質性研究方式探討手術病患接受手術訪視訊息之需求,研究由病人端了解手術訊息提供之適切性,是否與病患期望有差距。結果顯示:(一)手術訪視與手術前訊息之相關性:需著重1.手術室環境。2.生理反應。3.心理反應;(二)手術前訊息需求:手術病患對術後護理指導需求性;(三)手術訪視與滿意度之相關性:透過術前、術後訪視可降低病患焦慮感,提升病患滿意度。 Elevating the quality of medical services in operation room and promoting the operative visit are two of the important items promoted by the operation room. The requirements of new hospital accreditation get norms governing pre-operative, intraoperative and post-operative nursing care, management procedures and pre-operative visit by nurses of operation room to patients undergoing surgery listed on the accreditation to be served as a basis for medical benefits. This new accreditation places emphasis on the aspect that nurses must apply their expertise on nursing to offer patients undergoing surgery the complete and continuous nursing care based on each patient’s personal health problems and needs during the pre-operative, intraoperative and post-operative stages. This research adopts qualitative research method to delve into the needs of receiving the information about operative visit for patients undergoing surgery, aiming to gain in-depth understanding of if the adequacy of operation information falls short of patients’ expectations. The findings have indicated the following results: (1) Correlations between operative visit and pre-operative information: It is essential to center on the environment of operation room, physiological response, and psychological response; (2) Needs of pre-operative information: The needs of instructions on post-operative nursing care for patients undergoing surgery; and (3) Correlation between operative visit and satisfaction: pre-operative and post-operative visit can help alleviate patients’ anxiety that further increases patients’ satisfaction