近年來由於全球的「開放原碼(Open Source)」運動風潮,各國政府及企業為了降低個人電腦軟體使用的成本,自由軟體(Free Software)的使用,也因而受到世界各國的注意與重視,不少國家亦紛紛提出有關自由軟體的政策與方案。但檢視我國目前行政機關的資訊應用,在個人電腦的作業系統方面,大部份還是以微軟作業系統(MS Windows)為主。為了實際瞭解行政機關公務人員在使用自由軟體時可能面臨的相關問題,行政院研究發展考核委員會於台灣省北、中、南部各遴選一個基層公所,嘗試將自由軟體的使用,推廣至全公所公務人員的作業使用上。本研究以分解式計畫行為理論(Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior,DTPB)為基礎,參考自由軟體使用與影響行政機關使用資訊系統相關因素等相關文獻發展研究設計。針對三個參與試辦計畫的公所公務人員,以問卷調查及個別訪談,兩種資料蒐集方法。試圖瞭解基層機關公務人員使用自由軟體的行為意向及瞭解影響基層機關公務人員使用自由軟體的考量因素,並進一步探詢基層機關公務人員對使用自由軟體的意見與建議。經由整理分析研究資料,本研究發現下列幾點結論:1.基層機關公務人員使用自由軟體的經驗,與一般資訊科技使用者行為模式不完全相同。2.受過相關自由軟體教育訓練的基層機關公務人員,目前幾乎很少人仍使用自由軟體。3.影響基層機關公務人員使用自由軟體意向的因素,以「系統穩定與安全性」、「政府政策影響」、「長官同仁影響」與「教育訓練」等最為重要。4.受過相關自由軟體教育訓練的基層機關公務人員,普遍認為自由軟體與微軟系統差異性不太。5.行政機關推廣自由軟體使用的可行建議,在Windows作業系統上,同時安裝使用微軟IE及自由軟體Mozilla Firefox(類似微軟IE的自由軟體瀏覽器)等。本研究之建議如下:1、採漸進式的熟悉使用自由軟體。2、以跨平台技術開發WEB架構應用系統。3、整合各種技術支援資源,提供普及的管道。4、提供多元普及的教育訓練機會。5、加強單位主管人員的教育訓練。 Due to the wave of open source software over the world, governments and enterprises in recent years are more inclined than ever to adopt free software considering software cost reduction. Relevant policies have been discussed and schemed in many countries. Nowadays, most public agencies in Taiwan utilize MS Windows as the operating system of personal computers. To explore the issues which the civil service workers may confront for employing free software, the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission of Executive Yuan selected three town offices from the northern, central and southern divisions in a test program, which also attempted to propagate the application of free software to all aspects of public affairs in the town offices. This research, based on the Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior, modeled the relevant factors which influence the utilization decisions of free software in the public agencies. Data collection was conducted by a questionnaire and individual interviews with the civil servants in the three town offices that take part in the test program. It was intended to understand their attitude, willingness and behavior for adopting free software. This study also attempted to discover their comments and suggestions about the utilizations of the free software in public agencies.The research results may be summarized below: 1.The experience of the town office workers taking use of the free software is not all the same as that of the usual user of information technology behaviors. 2.The town office workers that have received the training program are seldom using free software now.3.The important factors that influence the civil servants’ intention for using free software include “system stability and security,” “government policy influence,” “superior and peer influence,” and “training.”4.The trained town office workers share the opinions that the distinction between free software and MS windows system is not significant.5.The practical suggestions for promoting the utilization of free software include simultaneous installation of both MS IE and Mozilla Firefox (the free software browser similar to the MS IE) on the Windows system.The study also provides following suggestions:1.The potential users may be recommended to get acquainted with free software incrementally.2.The web-based application system is worth investing for promoting free software.3.Free software will benefit from integration of the various technical support resources.4.Various training programs are essential for promoting free software. 5.The supervisors in public agencies should be targeted as key players.