本論文不同於以往只關注當今社會下技術與農業之間的關係研究。藉由Fernad Buraual的長時段概念,將時間軸拉長,回顧台灣鳳梨產業發展的結構性限制,再拉回到當今社會下的鳳梨產業發展情況,從社會學觀點探討關於台灣鳳梨農產的技術與社會關係。將時間軸拉長可以看到既有時空結構限制,而鳳梨產業中的農民如何在既有結構性限制中尋求可能的突破。本研究以目前鳳梨鮮食產業中,最高單價的品種「牛奶鳳梨」作為研究切入點。研究發現農民在結構中因勢利導,並且大量巧妙運用多樣化的在地技術資源,以及師傅級農民透過「個人知識」,使用周邊技術修補牛奶鳳梨本身存在的品種缺陷。最終,著重技術的牛奶鳳梨,在一小群師傅級農民的努力下獲得社會大眾的認同,牛奶鳳梨成為可能。 According to the long duration concept presented by Fernad Buraual, this thesis extends the time axis to review structural developing limits of Taiwan pineapple farming industry. Then, it presents nowadays developing situation of this industry, and discusses the relationship between Taiwan pineapple agricultural technology and the society from a sociological viewpoint. By extending the time axis, we can see the original space and time limits, and how those farmers got over these limits by panning out every possible innovation. We use the current most expensive species, “Milk Pineapple”, as our main point and example in the research. In the result, we find that farmers know where the most benefits are in the current structure, and apply diversified local technological resource very well. Some master farmers who have a lot of experience in farming also “bricoler” those internal defects of pineapple species successfully by applying peripheral technology and their “personal knowledge”. Finally, “Milk Pineapple” with emphasizing technology has been recognized by people and become possible. This should be attributed to the great effort of those master farmers.