對棲息於南投縣中寮鄉一廢隧道(120’44’E, 23’55’N)內之臺灣葉鼻蝠(Hipposideros armiger)進行幼蝠出生後成長發育之研究,於1997年5月15日觀察到幼蝠出生,初生幼蝠前臂長為41.3±2.9 mm,體重為16.3±1.4 g,分別佔產後母蝠的45%與28%,幼蝠的腹毛於出生後7.7±2.6天後長出,7.8±2.7天後耳殼豎立,犬齒於10.7±2.1天後長出,眼睛於出生16.7±3.7天後張開。經由對上標幼蝠前臂長、體長與第4指指骨與掌骨間軟骨炎之持續測量得知,幼蝠成長至第5週大時,前臂長與體重已達成體之99%與72%。並由前臂長與軟骨帶的成長資料,得到估算幼年齡的方程式,當前臂長≦81.7 mm時,使用出生後至第19天前臂長成長公式:出生天數=0.42(前臂長)-16.19;當前臂長>81.7 mm時,則使用出生後第14天至第60天軟骨帶成長方程式:出生天數=-8.46(軟骨帶長度)+75.52。將上述兩個方程式合併使用,可以估算臺灣葉鼻蝠出生後第1天至第60天之間的年齡。 The post-natal growth and development of Hipposideros terasensis were investigated from mid-May of 1997. this maternity colony roosted in an abandoned tunnel in Chungliau, Nantou Country (120°44’E, 23°55’N). Neonate forearm length (41.3±2.9 mm) and body weight (16.3±1.4g), are 45% and 28%those of the postpartum females, respectively. No significant difference existed between newborn males and females. Ventral hair growth began at 7.7±2.6 days, ears erected at 7.8±2.7 days, canines erupted at 10.7±2.1 days, and eyes opened at 16.7±3.7 days. Forearm length, body weight and epiphyseal gaps of the fourth metacarpal-phalangeal joint were measured 2 or 3 times weekly. Forearm length and body weight reached 99% and 72% those of the postpartum females in the fifth week after parturition. Two equations can be used to estimate the age up to 60 days after birth based on forearm length and the total epiphyseal gap length. Using forearm length ≦81.7 mm, Age in days=0.42(forearm length)-16.19, when forearm length is >81.7 mm, the epiphyseal gap is used to calculate age, Age in days=-8.46(gap length)+75.52.