掃描穿隧顯微術可掃描出原子級解析度的影像,目前已被廣泛的使用於各種表面材料及奈米結構的研究中。要利用此技術來研究DNA,則需要一個良好的樣本製備程序。在本研究中,我們成功的發展出DNA樣本的製備流程。選擇黃金當作STM掃描的基板,經過退火處理,可得到原子級平坦的晶格表面。利用FastTag將DNA固定於退火處理過的Au基板上,而得到均勻散佈的DNA樣本。在大氣中使用STM,掃描出清析的DNA分子影像。除此之外,探針經防漏電處理後,更可以在去離子水中掃描DNA影像。這些研究成果,將可用來對DNA做更進一步的研究與分析。 Since the Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (STM) can achieve atomic-scale resolution in imaging, it has been used to study surface nanostructures of various materials. In order to image DNA with STM, a protocol of preparing DNA immobilized on annealed gold foil has been developed. Using STM in air, clear image of DNA has been obtained. Moreover, DNA in de-ionized water can also be imaged by using tungsten tip coated with nail polish. These progresses can shed light on further studies in the molecular biology.