本研究是由消費者角度探討兩岸西式速食品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度,以台北市及上海市大學生為研究對象,於校園內發放問卷的方式收集資料,了解消費者對麥當勞及肯德基兩家西式速食業者的品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度情形,並比較兩岸之差異。 品牌個性問卷是以Aaker(1997a)在美國的研究發展出的五大構面「真誠」、「刺激」、「能力」、「高尚」及「粗獷」共42個品牌個性特徵為基礎,顧客忠誠度則是以「再購意願」、「正面口碑」及「價格容忍度」三項指標來衡量。回收之有效問卷台灣地區為169份,大陸地區為182份,採用平均數T檢定、變異數分析及迴歸分析來驗證研究假設,研究結果如下:一、台灣大學生對不同西式速食品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度有顯著差異,其中麥當勞在「真 誠」、「刺激」、「能力」、「高尚」四各構面的認知表現都比肯德基好,對麥當勞 的忠誠度也較肯德基高。二、大陸大學生對不同西式速食品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度有顯著差異,對肯德基的品牌個 性認知較麥當勞強烈,對肯德基的忠誠度比麥當勞高。三、兩岸大學生對同一西式速食品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度有顯著差異,Aaker研究證實品 牌個性確實有文化上之差異,本研究結果卻發現兩岸文化相同但品牌個性認知及顧客忠 誠度卻因兩岸地區不同而有差異。除了上述假設驗證之外,研究更發現:一、兩岸消費者對西式速食領導品牌之品牌個性認知及顧客忠誠度均較高。二、麥當勞全球性品牌個性認知較一致,兩岸消費者均認同麥當勞在「刺激」及「能力」構 面的表現,與學者在美國的研究結果相同。三、兩岸消費者對西式速食價格的容忍度都不高,價格調漲會影響消費意願。 This research is to analysis the Taiwan and Mainland China college students’ brand personality perceptions and customer loyalty in western fast food chain. A survey was conducted by a questionnaire. The respondents that we targeted in this research are the college students, who study in Taipei and Shanghai city and have been to McDonald’s and KFC fast food chain in the past 6 months. The purpose is to understand the students’ perceptions of brand personality and customer loyalty for the above 2 western fast food brands and to compare the difference between Taiwan and Mainland China. The theoretical basis of this research is according to the “Brand Personality Scale” and the big five brand personality dimensions:(1) Sincerity (2) Excitement (3) Competence (4) Sophistication (5) Ruggedness, which was established by Aaker(1997a). We use 3 indicators to evaluate the customer loyalty: (1) repeat purchasing, (2) recommending to others, (3) pricing acceptance. To that end we collected 169 effective data from Taipei and 182 from Shanghai. We use T-test, variance analysis and regression analysis to test the studying hypotheses. The main conclusions are as followings:A.Taiwan college students’ brand personality perceptions and customer loyalty for McDonald’s and KFC has shown a significant difference. The brand personality perceptions of McDonald’s are stronger than KFC in “Sincerity“, “Excitement“, “Competence” and “Sophistication”. The customer loyalty of McDonald’s is higher than KFC. B.Mainland China college students’ brand personality perceptions and customer loyalty for McDonald’s and KFC has shown a significant difference. The brand personality perceptions of KFC are stronger than McDonald’s in all five dimensions. The customer loyalty of KFC is higher than McDonald’s. C.Taiwan and Mainland China college students’ brand personality perceptions and customer loyalty for the same western fast food brand has shown a significant difference. Aasker’s research proved there is a difference for brand personality perceptions between culture, and this study finds although Taiwan and Mainland China have the same culture but the brand personality perceptions still shows different.