Abstract: | 冷凍調理食品自1960年代發展至今,產業已逐漸邁入成熟期階段,但隨著社會結構及國人飲食習慣的改變,冷凍供應鏈的完善,和新型態的商品,透過通路商、團膳業及餐飲業的整合型服務,促使產業再度呈現另外一個成長高峰,業者該如何建立自己的競爭優勢才能持續在產業中成長而不被淘汰成為一個重要的課題。而策略群組(strategic group)乃是在同一個產業內採取類似或相同策略的廠商群,透過策略群組的分析來協助廠商瞭解產業的結構以及廠商本身在產業中所處的競爭地位,進而確認最直接的策略特性以取得長期之競爭優勢。因此本研究運用策略群組的觀念,探討冷凍調理食品產業是否存在策略群組及群組與績效之關係,茲選取以冷凍食品供應鏈之原料、生產製造、配送、行銷四大策略構面發展出的34個策略變數,利用因素分析萃取出11個因素構面,之後利用集群分析區分成為四個策略群組。經過區別分析檢定群組的穩定性,區別率高達100﹪,顯示群組的穩定性極佳,另外,經由變異數分析發現,群組間在各別策略構面上有10個因素構面具有顯著差異,顯示各群組依循著不同的策略,故台灣地區42家冷凍調理食品廠商可依策略行為的異同,將之區分為四個策略群組,將分別命名為:生產導向策略群組、中間策略群組、國際化及差異化傾向策略群組、低成本集中策略群組,之後將群組進行績效的差異性檢定,得到群組間績效有顯著差異,表示群組間會依策略的不同而使群組績效有所不同,其中又以群組三(國際化及差異化傾向策略群組)績效最高。 Frozen Prepared Food Industry appeared more than forty years ago and is now entering a completely-developed period. Due to a gradual transformation in social structure, diet habit, food-supply chain, and to a new integrated service proposed among distributor、food services providers and restaurant industry, the industry has been, however, faced with a new approaching growth. A strategic group means a group in which several firms take the similar or the same set of strategy. Analysis in strategic groups can help the firms realize the structure and its competition in the industry and confirm the direct strategy for a long-run dominant position. Therefore, the study aims to apply the theory of strategic groups to the research in Frozen Prepared Food Industry, and to investigate the relation between the strategic group and its performance. Choosing 34 strategic variables developing four strategic dimensions (raw material、production、delivery、marketing from frozen food supply chain), this research has furthermore extracted 11 factor dimension by factor analysis, and has divided them into four strategic groups by cluster analysis. After using discriminant analysis to test the stability of grouping, this discriminant rate has been showed to reach 100%. The result illustrates that the stability of groups is good. Besides, by one way anova analysis, we found there were significant differences in 10 strategic dimensions, which demonstrated that each group follows different strategic. Thus, we can follow different strategies to cluster the 42 firms into 4 strategic groups in Taiwan. The 4 strategic groups are named:product oriented strategy group、middle strategy group、international&differentiation strategy group、low cost&market focus strategy group. Statistical tests are used to evaluate the difference in performance between each group, the results indicates that there are significant cross-group differences in performance, and revealed that each group follows its strategy to affect different performance, especially group 3, named the international&differentiation strategy group, which has a batter performance. |