本研究旨在探討彰化縣一般智能優異學生領導才能現況,同時探討國中一般智能優異學生與普通班學生領導才能差異,以及不同背景變項(性別、家長社經背景及幹部經驗)的國中一般智能優異學生領導才能差異情形。為達研究目的,本研究使用問卷調查法,以『中學生生活表現量表』為研究工具,以彰化縣一般智能資優班學生及普通班學生為研究對象,初步選取國中一般智能優異學生樣本共179人,有效樣本數為150人,普通班學生樣本為265人,有效樣本為181人。並將所得統計資料以相依樣本單因子變異數分析、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等統計方法進行分析,所得結果如下: 一、國中一般智能優異學生及普通班學生在領導特質方面,「負責」及「品格」向度均顯著優於其他特質的表現。 二、國中一般智能優異學生在領導特質的表現上與普通班學生並無差異,但是在領導能力方面,國中一般智能資優班學生在「人際能力」及「概念能力」兩方面的表現均優於普通班學生。 三、不同背景變項國中一般智能資優學生在領導才能的表現上,男生「情緒管理」此特質明顯優於女生;女生的「人際能力」及「概念能力」表現較佳。不同家長社經背景的學生在領導特質及領導才能上的表現均無顯著差異。有無幹部經驗的學生其領導才能的表現有顯著差異,有幹部經驗的學生在「負責」、「親和力」、「人際能力」及「概念能力」的表現均優於無幹部經驗的學生。 四、國中一般智能優異學生家庭社經背景分布比例可看出,高家庭社經背景為較多數,中低家庭社經背景所佔比例較少。 最後依據研究結論對教育行政機關、學校行政人員、教師本身及教師教學、未來研究者提出建議。 The purposes of this study is to investigate the leadership of junior high school intellectually gifted students in Changhua County and to find out if there are difference between junior high school intellectually gifted students and general classes. The scale this study uses includes two parts. The Likert-type five point scale is used to understand leadership traits, and the semi-structured problem solving test is used to measure leadership abilities. There are some findings about this study: 1.The scores of responsibility and character are significant higher than other leadership traits, no matter intellectually gifted students or general classes. 2.About leadership traits, there are no difference between intellectually gifted students and general classes. But intellectually gifted students scored significant more highly in leadership abilities than general classes. 3. Intellectually gifted boys’emotional management is better than girls’. Girls’ both leadership abilities are better than boys’. 4. The students who have leading experiences got higher scores in responsibility, appetence and leadership abilities. Based on the mentioned conclusions, the researcher puts forward some suggestions as references for teachers, educators, school administrators and follow-up researcher.